
Bar News, Court Updates, and Event Coverage

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Celebration of Leadership Trophy

June 25, 2021

Chad T. Sarchio Installed as 50th President of the D.C. Bar

By Jeremy Conrad

A virtual audience of more than 250 attended the D.C. Bar’s 2021 Celebration of Leadership on June 24, featuring the formal swearing in of Chad T. Sarchio as the Bar’s 50th president and the presentation of awards to outstanding members of the Bar and the legal community.

2021 Presidents Reception

June 25, 2021

Presidents Reception Raises $955K to Support Pro Bono Center

By John Murph

The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center’s unceasing service during the coronavirus pandemic was the theme of last night’s virtual Presidents Reception, which welcomed D.C. Bar President Chad T. Sarchio and raised more than $955,000 for the Center through the support of more than 100 District-based law firms and hundreds of individual supporters.

Panel Discusses Same-Sex Adoption Rights in the District

June 15, 2021

Panel Discusses Same-Sex Adoption Rights in the District

By Jeremy Conrad

On June 11 D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine continued his “Take 30” series with a conversation with D.C. Chief Deputy Attorney General Jason Downs, D.C. Deputy Attorney General Chad Copeland, and family law attorney Michele Zavos about same-sex adoption.

D.C. Bar

June 15, 2021

Bar Seeks Candidates for Various Committee and Board Vacancies

The D.C. Bar Board of Governors is seeking candidates for appointment in the fall to the following standing committees: Communities, Continuing Legal Education, Global Legal Practice, Judicial Evaluation, Lawyer Assistance, Leadership Development, Nominations, Pro Bono, and Regulations/Rules/Board Procedures.
