- Lawyer Referral Service
- Membership
- Continuing Legal Education
- Join A Community
- About Communities
- Programs and Events
- Publications
- Connect
- Leadership Resource Portals
- Communities On-Demand Library
- Public Statements
- Communities Elections
- Leadership
- Podcasts
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Resources
- Communities Newsletter
- Annual Well-Being Summit
- D.C. Bar Communities Lawyer of the Year Awards
Legal Ethics
- Rules of Professional Conduct
- Ethics Opinions 210-Present
- Ask the Ethics Experts
- Court of Appeals Adopts Amendments to IOLTA Rules
- Ethics Advice
- Ethics Opinions Substantively Affected by the Amended Rules
- D.C. Bar Voluntary Standards of Civility in Professional Conduct
- Publications
- Additional Resources
- Speaking of Ethics Columns
- Legal Ethics Opinions 2-209
- Practice Management Advisory Service
- Mandatory Course
- Lawyer Assistance Program
- Career Center
- External Resources
- Fee Dispute Program
How Can You Help the Lawyer Assistance Program
We are always seeking new volunteers with varied backgrounds and experiences. Below are the two primary ways volunteers can support our program. We hope you will join us in sharing your knowledge and experience to help those currently struggling in the legal profession. if you are ready to sign-up today, please download the Volunteer Info Sheet and email the completed form to [email protected]. If you are interested but want more information, please complete this form and a LAP counselor will reach out to you.
Volunteer – Mentor
The D.C. Bar Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP) has a strong volunteer component which allows lawyers who have faced similar well-being, mental health, or substance use problems and have overcome them to offer their guidance and assistance to LAP clients in a confidential, mentoring relationship. Volunteering with the LAP is confidential and is covered under Rule 1.6 (i) of the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct.
Volunteer – Speaker
LAP volunteers frequently assist with outreach by speaking about their experience at LAP educational presentations. These presentations are conducted at legal organizations, legal employers, and law schools throughout the year. They are an opportunity to normalize the struggle by sharing how you have navigated personal and/or professional challenges while practicing law.
Lawyer Assistance Committee (LAC)
Every fall, the D.C. Bar Board of Governors seeks candidates for appointments to the Lawyer Assistance Committee (LAC). All candidates must be members of the D.C. Bar, except positions designated for nonlawyer members. LAC members are appointed to serve a two–year term, which can be renewed, and can only serve three consecutive two–year terms.
If you would like to apply for a LAC vacancy, please submit a résumé and a cover letter describing your interest, along with a description of work, volunteer or personal relevant qualifications and email to [email protected]. Applications that do not include the requisite cover letter with a description of relevant experience will not be considered. Leadership experience with other D.C. Bar committees, voluntary bar associations, or the Bar’s sections is highly desirable.
Charles L. Reischel Memorial Fund
The LAP manages a fund which gives no-interest loans for necessary treatment for LAP clients who have no other sources of funding. The loan fund is named after Charles L. Reischel, a former Chair of the D.C. Bar Lawyer Assistance Committee (LAC) and a strong advocate of funding treatment for substance use and mental health disorders. The Charles L. Reischel Memorial Revolving Fund, named posthumously in Mr. Reischel’s honor in July of 2004, is a fund supported entirely through voluntary contributions. If you would like to learn more about supporting the Charles L. Reischel fund, please contact the LAP.
If you would like to know more about LAP volunteer opportunities or you have questions, please contact the Lawyer Assistance Program staff, at 202-347-3131 or email [email protected].
- Lawyer Referral Service
- Membership
- Continuing Legal Education
- Join A Community
- About Communities
- Programs and Events
- Publications
- Connect
- Leadership Resource Portals
- Communities On-Demand Library
- Public Statements
- Communities Elections
- Leadership
- Podcasts
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Resources
- Communities Newsletter
- Annual Well-Being Summit
- D.C. Bar Communities Lawyer of the Year Awards
Legal Ethics
- Rules of Professional Conduct
- Ethics Opinions 210-Present
- Ask the Ethics Experts
- Court of Appeals Adopts Amendments to IOLTA Rules
- Ethics Advice
- Ethics Opinions Substantively Affected by the Amended Rules
- D.C. Bar Voluntary Standards of Civility in Professional Conduct
- Publications
- Additional Resources
- Speaking of Ethics Columns
- Legal Ethics Opinions 2-209
- Practice Management Advisory Service
- Mandatory Course
- Lawyer Assistance Program
- Career Center
- External Resources
- Fee Dispute Program