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- Legal Ethics Opinions 2-209
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- July 14, 2015 Statement in Support of The Language Access for Education Amendment Act of 2015 - D.C. Council Bill B21-0066
- January 24, 2014 Statement in Support of Proposed Changes to D.C. Court of Appeals Rule 48 About Legal Assistance by Law Students
- October 10, 2012 Public Statement Regarding the Video Visitation Policy of the D.C. Department of Corrections
- October 28, 2011 Statement in Support of Segments of the Proposed Code of Judicial Conduct for the D.C. Courts on Accommodating Unrepresented Parties.
- August 3, 2011 Statement of Concern about H.R. 1932, "Keep Our Communities Safe Act of 2011"
- April 28, 2010 Cosponsor Statement by the Litigation Section opposing the Mayor's recommendation to cut $1 million in civil legal services and loan forgiveness.
- January 18, 2006 Cosponsor statement by the District of Columbia Affairs Section regarding Congressional Voting Rights for Residents of the District of Columbia.
- August 12, 2002 Comments on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals' Proposed New Amendments to DC App Rules 31-54, and Forms.
- August 9, 2002 Proposed Comments on the District of Columbia Court of Appeals' Proposed New Amendments to DC App Rule 4(c) Courts.
- July 5, 2002 Comments on Modernizing the Rules of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
- October 5, 2001 Opposition to PR 14-34 - "Sense of the Counsel Regarding the Establishment of an Attorney General for the District of Columbia Resolution of 2001" and Bill 14-22 - "Local Selection of Judges Charter Amendment Act of 2001"
- February 20, 2001 Proposed Amendments to Rule 58 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Rule 4(A)(7) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
- February 10, 1999 Statement on proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
- August 7, 1998 Comments on proposed child welfare legislation expanding mandatory reporting requirements.
- April 27, 1998 Letter to Eleanor Acheson, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Policy Development, U.S. Department of Justice on the need for adequate funding for the District of Columbia Court System.
- February 24, 1997 Comments on proposed Amendments to D.C. Superior Court Civil Rule 68.
- July 26, 1996 Comments on proposed Amendments to Rules 27, 28, and 32 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
- July 26, 1996 Comments submitted to John Aldock, Chairman, Advisory Committee on Local Rules, by the Courts, Lawyers and the Administration of Justice Section and the Criminal Law and Individual Rights Section regarding proposed Amendments to the Local Rule 311(h) of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
- June 21, 1996 Comments in a letter to Mr. John Rabiej, Chief, Rules Committee Support Office, Administrative Office of the U.S Courts, regarding a follow-up statement from previous public statement dated 2/29/96.
- April 3, 1996 Comments in a letter to Duane B. Delaney, Clerk of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia regarding Administrative Orders issued by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia affecting lawyers and their practice.
- February 29, 1996 Comments regarding a Draft of Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Appellate Procedure, Bankruptcy Procedure, and Evidence.
- September 5, 1995 Comments on the policy of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia regarding press interviews in the courthouse.
- July 27, 1995 Comments in a letter to the Honorable Strom Thurmond, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, regarding deference to Rules Enabling Act process.
- June 23, 1995 Comments on proposed amendment to Rule 27 of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
- May 17, 1995 Comments to the Hon. William H. Ng, Clerk, District of Columbia Court of Appeals, regarding amendments To Parts VIII and IX of the Internal Operating Procedures of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
- February 28, 1995 Comments on proposed amendments to the Federal Rules.
- January 30, 1995 Comments by the Courts, Lawyers and the Administration of Justice Section and the Litigation Section regarding proposed amendments to the Superior Court Rules.
- June 17, 1994 Comments on the Proposed Code of Judicial Conduct.
- June 17, 1994 Comments in a letter to the Hon. James A. Nathanson in Support of the Jury Trial Amendment Act of 1994 before the D.C. Council.
- June 17, 1994 Comments in a letter to the Hon. James A. Nathanson in Support of the Small Claims Service of Process Act of 1993 before the D.C. Council.
- May 16, 1994 Comments in a letter to the Hon. William H. Ng, Clerk, D.C. Court of Appeals, regarding proposed amendment to Rule 46 - No. M-189-94.
- April 11, 1994 Comments regarding proposed amendments to the Federal Rules.
- April 11, 1994 Comments on proposed amendments to the Juvenile Rules.
- February 18, 1994 Comments in a letter to Chairman John Aldock, Advisory Committee on Local Rules, regarding the proposed amendment to the Local Federal Rules of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
- July 26, 1993 Comments on the preliminary draft rule regarding audio-visual coverage of judicial proceedings.
- March 29, 1993 Comments regarding the draft report of the Civil Justice Report Act Advisory Group for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
- March 4, 1993 Comments on proposed changes in the General Rules of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
- February 25, 1993 Comments in letter to Hon. Henry F. Greene on the period of public comment on proposed changes to Superior Court Rules.
- October 28, 1992 Comments on the District of Columbia Criminal Justice Fair Compensation Act of 1991, Bill 9-31, before the Committee on the Judiciary, Council of the District of Columbia. **
- August 28, 1992 Comments regarding proposed letter to the Judicial Conference of the United States on the proposed disclosure amendment to Rule 26(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
- February 11, 1992 Comments on proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence.
- February 5, 1992 Comments on D.C. City Council Bill 9-360, the Bail Reform Amendment Act of 1991.
- December 18, 1991 Letter to Wilhelmina J. Rolark, Chairperson of the Council of the District of Columbia's Committee on the Judiciary, regarding the D.C. Press Shield Law. **
- December 11, 1991 Comments on proposed amendment to the Pro Hac Vice Rule on practice by employees of legal service providers. **
- October 15, 1991 Comments on proposed amendments to Rules 1.10 and 1.11 of the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct. Included: Letter to Judge Judith W. Rogers from James Robertson on Rules 1.10 and 1.11 of the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct, M-178-91. **
- April 22, 1991 Comment on Local Rules 11(c) and 14 of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Publication of Opinions.**
- March 18, 1991 Comments on bill pending before the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, S. 444, extending and revising the 1989 legislation limiting incarceration for civil contempt in the District of Columbia. **
- March 2, 1990 Comments on proposed sales tax of legal services.
- November 22, 1989 Comments regarding proposed Rules to Implement the D.C. Guardianship Protective Proceedings, and Durable Power of Attorney Act of 1986.
- July 22, 1989 Statement in opposition to H.R. 2136, the District of Columbia Civil Contempt Imprisonment Limitation Act of 1989.
- July 6, 1989 Comments concerning proposed amendments to DC Superior Court Criminal Rules 6 and 30 re designation of alternate grand jurors and the timing of the judge's instruction to the petit jury.
- July 6, 1989 Comments in general support of proposed amendments to D.C. Superior Court Mandatory Arbitration Program Rules.
- July 6, 1989 Comments concerning the proposed amendment to the District Court Rules 104, 701.1 and 711 re certification of lead counsel in contested matters, peer counseling, and renewal of membership in the Bar of the Court.
- April 14, 1989 General support of Bar Rule XI, D.C. Court of Appeals, re governing Bar disciplinary proceedings.
- April 14, 1989 General support of the D.C. Court of Appeals proposed revision of Rule 4 (a) (2) regarding appeals from remittitur.
- April 7, 1989 Comments regarding the proposed Federal Public Defender.
- February 3, 1989 Standard Review: Support of the comments filed by the D.C. Bar's Public Service Activities Committee regarding the Legal Service Corporation's proposed new regulations.
- January 5, 1989 Proposed comments regarding proposed Rules of Professional Conduct.
- November 29, 1988 Comments recommending the Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial Salaries support a substantial increase in compensation for federal judges.
- October 25, 1988 Report for submission to Richard Hoffman, Clerk of the D.C. Court of Appeals, in support of the Rule 405(a) of the Federal Rules of Evidence re whether to adopt the method of proving character or a trait of character.
- September 21, 1988 Court Rules Committee: Comments regarding proposed amendments to Court of Appeals Rule 46, governing admission to the D.C. Bar. The comments focus on Rules 46(d) and 46(e) concerning moral character and general fitness to practice law and quantum and burden of proof thereof.
- May 27, 1988 Letter addressed to the Hon. Lewis E Condon, Charleston County Court, Charleston, SC, concerning the ABA's Commission on Local Ordinance Reform proposal where law students working in clinical programs would assist officials in rural communities with drafting ordinances and providing other legal assistance.
- May 10, 1988 Court Rules Committee: Proposed comments urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to reconsider the amendment to General Rule 15(a), which states that amicus curiae briefs supporting or opposing suggestions for rehearing en banc will be received only by invitation of the Court.
- May 10, 1988 Court Rules Committee: Comments to proposed Superior Court Mental Health Rule 16 regarding returning an individual to the hospital after commitment for outpatient mental health treatment and for permanent revocation of patient commitment (in favor of inpatient treatment).
- January 29, 1988 Court Rules Committee: Comments submitted to the Board of Judges of the D.C. Superior Court recommending amendments to Chapter 9 of the "Standards and Procedures for the Selection and Tenure of Hearing Commissioners"
- January 29, 1988 Letter to the Hon. Frank Carlucci, Secretary of Defense, urging the decision on whether the U.S. Court of Military Appeals current status should be changed to a court established under Article III of the U.S. Constitution.
- January 14, 1988 Proposed comments to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in general support of proposed amendments to Criminal Rule 117.
- December 2, 1987 Proposed letter to Chief Judge Harrison L. Winter, Fourth Circuit, regarding proposed establishment of a Southern Division of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland.
- October 23, 1987 Proposed recommendation that the U.S. District Court for the D.C. adopt a rule on disposition of matters under advisement.
- October 13, 1987 Proposed brief amicus curiae endorsing the D.C. Court of Appeals prior rejection of a per se rule precluding admission of anyone ever convicted of a felony In re Manville, et al.,District of Columbia Court of Appeals 84-1362, 78-92, 87-93.
- September 10, 1987 Comments to the D.C. Court of Appeals in support of proposed changes to the court rules regarding unauthorized practice of law Pro Hac Vice. Included: Comments by Katherine Mazzaferri about possible D.C. Bar position on proposed D.C.C.A. Rules regarding Pro Hac Vice Admissions.
- April 24, 1987 Court Rules Committee: Proposed report commenting on proposed changes to the general rules of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
- April 17, 1987 Proposed report on the Initial Report of the Superior Court Sentencing Guidelines Commission.
- March 24, 1987 Court Rules Committee: Proposed report recommending amendment of the D.C. Superior Court's procedure for establishing discovery deadlines in Civil II cases [Civil Rule 26 (d)].
- November 6, 1986 Court Rules Committee: Comments on the proposed amendment to Rule 6 of the Rules of Civil Procedure of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
- November 6, 1986 Court Rules Committee: Comment in support of proposed amendment to the practice in the Small Claims Division of the Superior Court regarding the requirement that corporations be represented by attorneys.
- September 17, 1986 Court Rules Committee: Comments recommending new Rules 16.A and 16.B (adopting a local rule on motions for attorney's fees).
- September 17, 1986 Court Rules Committee: Comments on proposed DC Superior Court Mandatory Arbitration Rules.
- September 10, 1986 Court Rules Committee: Comments addressed to the D.C. Court of Appeals in opposition to the proposed amendment to Rule XI, Section 9 of the rules governing the Bar of the District of Columbia to provide that members of BPR, hearing committees, Bar Counsel and all assistants and employees shall be immune from disciplinary complaints.
- August 7, 1986 Court Rules Committee: Letter addressed to Daniel M. Gribbon, Chair, D.C. Circuit Advisory Committee on Procedures, recommending revision to U.S. Circuit Court Rules.
- May 29, 1986 Comments on Health Care Decision Act of 1985 and District of Columbia Guardianship, Protective Proceedings and Durable Power of Attorney Act of 1985.
- April 29, 1986 Letter to the Hon. Strom Thurmond and Hon. John East of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary in support of H.R. 3550, the Rules Enabling Act of 1985.
- January 30, 1986 Court Rules Committee: Report recommending an amendment to Rule 39-I of the DC Superior Court Rules of Civil Procedure so as to permit the Civil Calendar Control Judge to enter a default or dismiss the action for failure of one party in a Civil II case to appear in the Civil Assignment Office at the date and time scheduled for trial.
- September 30, 1985 Written by Paul Friedman: Comments on the District Court Rules. **
- September 26, 1985 Court Rules Committee: Emergency consideration in support of the proposed changes to the Local Rules of the D.C. District Court.
- September 26, 1985 Legislation Committee: Emergency consideration of proposed statement in support of the Prosecutorial and Judicial Efficiency Act of 1985.
- March 25, 1985 Comments concerning the Council for Court Excellence's Draft Jury Statute for the District of Columbia Superior Court.
- March 8, 1985 Court Rules Committee: Report proposing New Federal District Court Rule on taxation of costs.
- February 19, 1985 Letter addressed to the Hon. Wilhelmina Rolark supporting the inclusion of funding for the Superior Court's Multi-Door Project in the FY 1986 budget.
- January 8, 1985 Legislation Committee: Recommendations in support of the adoption of amending legislation to the D.C. Code to allow pre-judgment interest in all tort and contract Suits in the District of Columbia courts. **
- December 27, 1984 A proposed change to the D.C. Circuit's Rule 19.
- December 17, 1984 Position paper concerning prejudgment interest for civil suits in the District of Columbia Courts.
- December 6, 1984 Revise comments on proposed Rules first published in the Washington Law Reporter. **
- December 5, 1984 Comments on proposed amendments to Superior Court Civil Rules 6, 7, 11, 16, 26 and 67.
- August 27, 1984 Comments on proposed D.C. Court of Appeals Rules.
- July 13, 1984 Court Rules Committee: Comments on proposed amendments to the D.C. Superior Court Civil Rule 4 (Process).
- June 19, 1984 Report on cameras in the courts.
- June 9, 1984 Proposed testimony in favor of Section 3 of H.R. 5636, which would raise the jurisdictional limit for the Small Claims Branch of the D.C. Superior Court from $750 to $2,000.
- May 9, 1984 Comments concerning proposed District of Columbia Court of Appeals Rule 41(c) Recall of Mandate.
- March 14, 1984 Written by Noel Kramer: Report on the preliminary draft of proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures.
- March 14, 1984 Proposed comments on proposed District of Columbia Court of Appeals Rule 27(e).
- February 7, 1984 Report proposing Rules of Evidence for the Superior Court based on the Federal Rules of Evidence.
- December 30, 1983 Proposed position paper on the need for prompt consideration of the authorization of Superior Court judgeships. **
- November 10, 1983 Statement of Noel Anketell Kramer and Ellen Bass presenting a position paper on H.R. 1968, a bill to eliminate the mandatory appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and H.R. 1970, a bill to establish an Intercircuit Tribunal.
- October 7, 1983 Support for the program of judicial evaluation designed by the Judicial Evaluation Committee of the Bar for judges of the D.C. Court of Appeals and the Superior Court.
- September 26, 1983 Letter to Chief Justice Robinson expressing concern over a proposal to limit the hours that the U. S. Courthouse will be open. **
- July 12, 1983 Comments on the proposed amendments to Rule 46-I(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals (Admission of Attorneys by Motion).
- December 7, 1982 Position paper by the Legislation Committee of Division IV regarding S.2419, a bill to change the venue requirements for suits against the United States.
- August 17, 1982 Comments on the proposal for new rules for the U.S. District Court.
- April 21, 1981 Comments on proposed changes in Rules 8(f), 8(k) and 9 of the General Rules of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. **
- July 2, 1980 Comments on proposed changes to Superior Court Rules 26 and 12-I.
- April 21, 1980 Comments on proposed amendments to District Court Rule 3-8.
- March 25, 1980 Comments on proposed amendments to Rules 64-I and 69-I of the Rules of the Superior Court.
- April 13, 1979 Comments to the Judicial Conference for the D.C. Circuit, May 20-22, 1979--Proposed resolutions and reports respecting minimum standards for admission to practice in federal courts and proposed rule providing nationwide admission for district courts of the United States.
- December 13, 1978 Letter to the Honorable Jimmy Carter regarding the Legal Service Corporation's 1980 budget request.
- November 28, 1978 Comment on draft amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Rule 5(d), Rule 26(b)(1), Rule 26(f), Rules 30 (b)(1) and 30(b)(4), Rule 33(a), and Rule 37(e).
- September 15, 1978 Brief of Amicus Curiae Division Four (Courts, Lawyers, and the Administration of Justice) of the District of Columbia Bar in Vicki Greene Golden v. State Board of Law Examiners, et al. (Maryland domicile requirement).
- September 5, 1978 Proposed Rule providing full reciprocity among the United States District Courts for the Districts of Columbia and Maryland and for the Eastern District of Virginia.
- Undated Proposed report on public disclosure of jurors' identities and regulation of juror-attorney contacts.
**Full text not available.
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