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- August 15, 2023 Statement of the District of Columbia Affairs Community of the District of Columbia Bar on the Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Bill
- June 6, 2021 Statement of the District of Columbia Affairs Community of the District of Columbia Bar on S. 51
- April 15, 2021 Supreme Court amicus brief, in support of petitioners Angelica Castañon, et al.
- March 22, 2021 Statement of the District of Columbia Affairs Community of the District of Columbia Bar on H.R. 51
- November 7, 2016 Statement in Support of Advisory Referendum B -- Advisory Referendum on the State of New Columbia Admission Act Resolution of 2016
- September 29, 2014 Statement in Support of S. 132 - The New Columbia Admission Act
- May 20, 2010 Statement in support of the efforts of the District of Columbia to count all residents in the 2010 Census.
- July 28, 2009 D.C. Affairs concurs in and supports the Litigation Community’s April 23, 2009 statement on the appointment of judges to the D.C. federal bench. Read the Litigation Community's original statement here.
- June 8, 2009 Statement about revising the business organizations code of the District of Columbia
- February 28, 2008 Statement of Support for the Supreme Court amicus brief in District of Columbia vs. Heller, about home rule and the Second Amendment
- April 5, 2006 Supreme Court amicus brief, in support of non-resident income tax litigation
- January 18, 2006 Statement regarding Congressional Voting Rights for Residents of the District of Columbia
- December 28, 2004 Appellate amicus brief, in support of non-resident income tax litigation.
- November 9, 2004 Comments on the "First Amendment Rights and Police Standards Act of 2004" Bill 15-968.
- March 17, 2004 Comments in support of the "Blue Ribbon Juvenile Justice and Youth Rehabilitation Act of 2004" Bill (15-673).
- February 20, 2004 Comments in support of the D.C. Budget Autonomy Act, H.R. 2472/S.1267 - Letter to the House Speaker Dennis Hastert. **
- December 16, 2003 Amicus brief in support of non-resident income tax litigation.
- October 24, 2003 Comments in Support of the Rainy Day Fund Act of 2003, Bill 15-239.
- September 30, 2003 Comments in Support of the D.C. Budget Autonomy Act of 2003, S. 1267.
- November 19, 2002 Proposed Comments in Support of the D.C. Budget Autonomy Bill, H.R. 2995/S. 2516
- February 8, 2002 Support of Bill 14-271 "Voter Information and Education Act of 2001"
- September 25, 2001 Statement in support of PR 1434 - "Sense of the Council Regarding the Establishment of an Attorney General for the District of Columbia Resolution of 2001" and Bill 14-22 - "Local Selection of Judges Charter Amendment Act of 2001.
- June 28, 2000 Statement in support of the proposed policy to display the "Taxation Without Representation" motto on D.C. license tags.
- January 25, 1999 Statement regarding letter to D.C. Council Chair Linda Cropp about recommended reforms.
- February 2, 1993 Memorandum of Amici Curiae in Support of Defendant Eleanor Holmes Norton's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Application for Preliminary Injunction, Robert H. Michael, et al. v. Donald Y. Anderson, et al., Civil Action No. 93-0039.
- July 25, 1986 Statement in support of H.R. 4898, a bill to extend the permissible pro bono representation by employees of the Federal Government and the DC Government.
- June 3, 1986 Statement addressed to the U.S. House Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Rights, and the Administration of Justice in support of H.R. 4898, an act to extend the permissible pro bono representation by employees of the Federal Government and the D.C. Government.
- January 3, 1986 Statement in support of H.R. 3578, the D.C. Judicial Efficiency and Improvement Act of 1985, submitted to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Governmental Efficiency and the District of Columbia Governmental Affairs Committee.
- September 26, 1985 Emergency consideration of proposed testimony in support of the D.C. Prosecutorial and Judicial Efficiency Act 1985.
- February 25, 1985 Letter addressed to the Hon. Wilhelmina Rolark urging the D.C. Council to include funding for the Superior Court's Multi-Door project in the FY 1986 budget.
- August 30, 1984 Amicus Curiae brief in Cole v. U.S., Gary v. U.S., and Pee v. U.S., concerning the legislative veto provision of the D.C. Self-Governmental Reorganization Act.
- July 26, 1984 Comments on H.R. 5951, the D.C. Judicial Appointment Authority Act of 1984.
- March 26, 1984 Proposed Amicus Curiae brief in Dimond, et al. v. District of Columbia, et al., relating to challenges to the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act.
- September 9, 1983 D.C. Court of Appeals proposed amendment to Rule 46-I(c)(3) (Admission of Attorney by Motion).
**Full text not available.
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