
Bar News, Court Updates, and Event Coverage

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2020 Vote Buttons

September 24, 2020

D.C. Leaders Lay Out New Election Procedures

By Jeremy Conrad

D.C. Councilmember Charles Allen and Executive Director of the D.C. Board of Elections Alice Miller spoke about new voting procedures in the District.

D.C. Architecture

September 23, 2020

Webinar Takes a Candid Look at Diversity in the Legal Profession

By John Murph

As the Black Lives Matter protests inspire many industries to reexamine the effects of systemic racism, the Bar Association of the District of Columbia (BADC) and the Washington Bar Association scrutinized the legal profession at a Sept. 17 webinar.

 U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

September 21, 2020

D.C. Legal Community Pays Tribute to Justice Ginsburg

By William Roberts

When U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18, the enormity of the gap she leaves in American jurisprudence quickly became evident as tributes flowed from the D.C. legal community.

D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine

September 14, 2020

CLE Institute Explores Practice Considerations Surrounding Seniors

By Jeremy Conrad

On September10, more than 100 attorneys participated in the D.C. Bar’s virtual CLE Institute on Aging and the Law, a daylong event that offered an in-depth look at the legal issues affecting elderly clients, wards, and others working with the aging community.

Anita Josey-Herring

September 10, 2020

Meet Judge Anita Josey-Herring, Incoming D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge

By Jeremy Conrad

On October 1, Judge Anita Josey-Herring will assume the office of chief judge of D.C. Superior Court. The D.C. Bar spoke with Judge Josey-Herring about her long commitment to the law and public service, the challenges and opportunities the current crisis presents, and her vision for the future.

Building a Case Virtually: Discovery and Mediation During COVID-19

September 09, 2020

Building a Case Virtually: Discovery and Mediation During COVID-19

By Daniel A. Kapner and Kelley J. Halliburton

Given the state of the pandemic, fluctuation of coronavirus rates in the region, and physical distancing guidelines, there is no telling when courts will return to full operations. State and federal courts are thus managing their civil dockets, as best as possible, by conducting hearings remotely using telephone and video-conferencing platforms and continuing to suspend civil jury trials until they are safe to resume.
