
Bar News, Court Updates, and Event Coverage

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June P. Johnson: Inhale Positivity, Exhale Fear

August 03, 2020

June P. Johnson: Inhale Positivity, Exhale Fear

The D.C. Bar presents the series “Conventionally Unconventional: Wellness Practices During the Pandemic,” spotlighting how D.C. Bar members are maintaining their mental health and assisting others using unconventional means in this time of crisis.

Celebration of Leadership Highlights Bar’s Year of Triumphs and Trials

July 31, 2020

Celebration of Leadership Highlights Bar’s Year of Triumphs and Trials

By John Murph and Jeremy Conrad

Hundreds of people tuned in on Thursday, July 30, to the D.C. Bar’s first virtual Celebration of Leadership featuring the formal swearing in of Geoffrey M. Klineberg as the Bar’s 49th president and the presentation of awards to outstanding members of the Bar and the legal community.

Court of Appeals Considers Diploma Privilege, Expanded Temporary Practice for Law School Grads

July 30, 2020

Court of Appeals Considers Diploma Privilege, Expanded Temporary Practice for Law School Grads

By Jeremy Conrad

Following its decision to cancel the July 2020 in-person D.C. bar exam and administer an online exam in October, the D.C. Court of Appeals is now considering requests for the court to (1) establish a diploma privilege for law school graduates and/or (2) broaden the circumstances in which they can temporarily practice law prior to being admitted to the D.C. Bar.

Member Spotlight: Community Development Advocate Lu Johnson

July 29, 2020

Member Spotlight: Community Development Advocate Lu Johnson

By Stacy Julien

The widespread attention to racial injustice in 2020 has Lucrecia (Lu) Johnson reflecting on her early life in Georgia. She experienced her share of racial tension growing up in a small, rural town near Macon, where segregated proms and homecomings were the norm and voter suppression tactics were blatant toward black and brown people.

Prominent Black Women Lawyers Discuss Diversity in Legal Field

July 26, 2020

Prominent Black Women Lawyers Discuss Diversity in Legal Field

By John Murph

On July 16, the Womens’ Bar Association of the District of Columbia (WBA) and the Greater Washington Area Chapter, Women Lawyers Division, of the National Bar Association (GWAC) tackled the issue of diversity in the legal profession during the program “Where Are the Black Women Lawyers in Leadership Positions?”

D.C. Superior Court

July 24, 2020

Judge Josey-Herring Selected as Next D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge

The District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission has designated Judge Anita Josey-Herring as the next chief Judge of the D.C. Superior Court, succeeding Judge Robert E. Morin, who is retiring in September. Judge Josey-Herring will begin her term on October 1.

Judges Morin, Broderick Seek Senior Status

July 23, 2020

Judges Morin, Broderick Seek Senior Status

The D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure is reviewing the qualifications and fitness of D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Robert E. Morin and Associate Judge Patricia A. Broderick.

 Lafayette Square Protests

July 16, 2020

Panel Discusses Presidential Powers in D.C. After Lafayette Square Protests

By Richard Blaustein

The White House’s show of force in ejecting protestors from Lafayette Square on June 1 has spurred civil rights advocates to bring suit on behalf of protestors, presenting the questions of which laws were improperly invoked and what rights need bolstering in the aftermath of the clampdown.
