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D.C. Courts Announce New 5-Year Strategic Plan

February 07, 2018

The D.C. Courts released their 4th Strategic Plan, for the period of 2018 to 2022. The Courts’ Vision Statement is the theme of this fourth five-year plan: Open to All, Trusted by All, Justice for All.

“I have always believed that ensuring access to justice is fundamental to a court system and that is the D.C. Courts’ first goal. The plan helps us hold ourselves accountable,” said D.C. Court of Appeals Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby.

The five main goals outlined in the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan are:

  • Access to Justice for All
  • Fair and Timely Case Resolution
  • A Professional and Engaged Workforce
  • Resilient and Responsive Technology
  • Effective Court Management and Administration

The Courts’ Strategic Planning Leadership Council identified these goals through a year-long process of reviewing accomplishments under the prior Plan, analyzing data and assessing current and future demands on the Courts, and gathering input from internal and external court stakeholders through surveys, focus groups and community outreach. Each of the goals will be accomplished through the implementation of targeted strategies and measurement of defined key results.

“I’m pleased that we are expanding our commitment to provide access to justice for all; this is the core of what the Court should be,” said D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Robert Morin.

Similar to previous Strategic Plans, the continued implementation of Court Values are essential to creating a robust workplace and organizational culture that will enable achievement of the goals outlined in the plan. As a court system, justice depends on integrity, respect, and fairness for those who appear before the Courts, as well as excellence, accountability, and transparency of court processes consistent with the law.

“This new strategic plan is our most ambitious yet, as it identifies key results and timelines for their accomplishment.” said Anne B. Wicks, Executive Officer. “But it’s one that I know our employees can achieve. We look forward to expanding access to justice, and enhancing the services we offer our community.”

To learn more about the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, visit the D.C. Courts’ website.

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