Free Upcoming Programs

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Lawyer Assistance Committee (LAC) members, LAC volunteers, and LAP staff regularly present programs to educate D.C. Bar members, judges and students about wellness, addiction and mental health symptoms, outline the confidential services of the LAP, and allow volunteers to share their experiences with past problems and how they overcame them. Upcoming presentations are listed below. They are free to all, unless otherwise noted.

March 21, 2023 - An Honest Conversation About What Perfectionism is Costing You

The next program in our “Honest Conversation” series explores perfectionism versus striving for excellence - where does one end and the other begin? Please join us at 2PM for this enlightening discussion.


April 4, 2023 - Talking About Suicide: How to Give & Get Help

Despite how many law students and lawyers are suffering, most of us are still not comfortable discussing suicide risk or speaking up when we are concerned. Suicide is a danger we cannot ignore -- as a profession, or as colleagues, friends, and family members. We welcome all members of the legal profession to break the silence, encourage discussion, answer questions, and share resources in a safe space. Learn how YOU can play a role in suicide awareness and prevention. Attend in-person at The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law or virtually through Zoom at 12:30PM.


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