
Join the Law Student Community

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Law Student Community Banner

For just $25, you'll receive total enhanced member benefits valued at over $600, plus access into TWO additional Communities with FREE early bird access to those Communities' live programs.

NEW MEMBER BENEFIT: LSC members now get a special discount for legal study supplement StudyBuddy PRO by CaseBriefs

**If you are a renewing L1 or L2 Law Student Community Member, an invoice has been generated for you to renew. Log into the D.C. Bar website, under My Account Links select My Invoices. If you have any questions, please contact


Law Student Community Podcast

Calling all law students to host your own podcast.

Leadership Fellowship

Leadership Fellowship

Gain practical leadership skills, experience, and professional development as a member of the Leadership Fellowship.

Judicial Clerkship Boot camp

Judicial Clerkship Bootcamp

A curated program designed to expose law students to clerking as a career option.

Writers in Residence

Writers in Residence

Collaborate with the D.C. Bar’s editorial team on various content production projects.

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