
Bar News, Court Updates, and Event Coverage

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Climate Change

November 20, 2019

Climate Change Panel Looks at Leadership Roles of Women in Law

By Rich Blaustein

Women have been disproportionately impacted by global warming, but at the same time they have been leading efforts to address climate change, a key point underscored during the November 14 panel discussion Climate Change: Women Leading Innovation presented by the Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia.

D.C. Practice Manual

November 18, 2019

Newly Updated District of Columbia Practice Manual Is Now on Sale

The District of Columbia Practice Manual, 27th Edition</em> is now on sale! The two-volume, soft-cover treatise covering the basics of law in the District brings together the collective knowledge of hundreds of experienced practitioners in 35 chapters.

Jeannine Sanford

November 12, 2019

How Judicial Evaluations Benefit the Courts and the Public

By John Murph

Every year the D.C. Bar Judicial Evaluation Committee (JEC) conducts a survey on the performance of selected judges of the D.C. Court of Appeals and D.C. Superior Court to help improve the administration of justice in the District of Columbia.

John C Cruden Pro Bono Award

November 06, 2019

FDIC Wins Federal Agency Pro Bono Leadership Award

By Rebecca Troth

On October 30 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) received the 2019 John C. Cruden Federal Agency Pro Bono Leadership Award for its innovative and successful approaches to promoting pro bono work.
