
Bar News, Court Updates, and Event Coverage

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 John Cruden

November 02, 2020

Former Bar President John Cruden Receives ABA Lifetime Achievement Award

By John Murph

The American Bar Association (ABA) has honored former D.C. Bar president John C. Cruden with the Lifetime Achievement Award for Environmental Law on October 20 during the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources’ virtual 28th annual Fall Conference.

Dr. Larry Richard

October 29, 2020

Pro Bono Partnership Luncheon Puts Spotlight on Value of Self-Care

By Jeremy Conrad

Pro bono attorneys do a great job dealing with the problems faced by their clients, but maybe not so much their own. At this year’s Pro Bono Partnership Luncheon, organized by the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center and held virtually on October 27 because of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, Dr. Larry Richard, a leading expert on the psychology of lawyer behavior, explained why lawyers can be particularly vulnerable to stress.

Mom and baby

October 28, 2020

Support Access to Justice Through the Combined Federal Campaign

By Connie Sinclair

Thousands of District of Columbia residents are in danger of losing their homes, their livelihoods, or custody of their children every year simply because they cannot afford a lawyer. The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center transforms lives by delivering legal services to more than 20,000 D.C. residents each year.

Quill Pen and Ink

October 27, 2020

D.C. Bar Welcomes First Writers in Residence

By Jeremy Conrad

The D.C. Bar has announced the selection of law students Tonée Jones and Lisa Jiron for its first inaugural Writers in Residence Program launched this fall.

John Payton Leadership Academy

October 26, 2020

Leadership Academy Focuses on Goal Setting for Success

By John Murph

The D.C. Bar 2020 John Payton Leadership Academy continued its online training on October 16 with the session “Successful Goal Setting for Attorneys,” aimed at helping participants rethink how they set goals and providing them with better tools to articulate and achieve those goals.

Yael Bromberg

October 23, 2020

Election Law Experts Discuss Threats to Youth Vote at Bar Conference

By Jeremy Conrad

Experts in civil rights and election law gathered virtually at the D.C. Bar’s 2020 Conference on October 20 to 21 to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, and to discuss the current state of voting rights in this country.
