
Bar News, Court Updates, and Event Coverage

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D.C. Bar

July 05, 2022

Bar Seeks Candidates for Various Committee and Board Vacancies

The D.C. Bar Board of Governors is seeking candidates for appointment in the fall to the following standing committees: Clients’ Security Fund, Communities, Continuing Legal Education, Global Legal Practice, Judicial Evaluation, Lawyer Assistance, Leadership Development, Nominations, Pro Bono, and Regulations/Rules/Board Procedures.

Chad Sarchio and Neal Katyal

June 28, 2022

At 2022 D.C. Bar Conference, Speakers Contemplate Challenges & Future of Law

By Jeremy Conrad and John Murph

D.C. Bar members, leaders, and others in the D.C. legal community gathered on June 23 at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel for the Bar’s 2022 Conference celebrating its golden anniversary and envisioning its next 50 years. The event featured panel discussions with past and present leaders of the Bar as well as a fireside chat with high-powered U.S. Supreme Court litigator Neal Katyal.

D.C. Bar President Ellen M. Jakovic

June 27, 2022

2022 Presidents Reception Raises Record $1.23 Million for Pro Bono Center

By John Murph

The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center raised a record-breaking $1.23 million for the 2022 Presidents Reception on June 23 at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel. The annual event, hosted by past presidents of the Bar, raises funds to support the Center’s transformative work and in honor of the Bar’s incoming president.

Ellen M. Jakovic

June 24, 2022

D.C. Bar Celebrates 50 Years of Excellence, Welcomes Ellen M. Jakovic as 51st President

By Susannah Buell and Jeremy Conrad

On June 23 nearly 300 people gathered at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel for the D.C. Bar Celebration of Leadership featuring the formal swearing in of Ellen M. Jakovic, of counsel at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, as the Bar’s 51st president. Other highlights of the evening included the presentation of awards to outstanding Bar members and groups that have raised the standard for legal excellence and service to the community.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summit

June 16, 2022

At DEI Summit, Experts Discuss How to Turn Intentions Into Actions

By Jeremy Conrad and John Murph

The D.C. Bar Communities held its second annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summit virtually on June 10, providing attendees strategies and tools to assess the diversity and inclusiveness of institutions, workplaces, and communities.
