Article I - Officers and Board of Governors

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Section 1. Officers
The President (in a case where there is a vacancy in the office of President-Elect), the President-Elect, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the District of Columbia Bar shall be elected from a list of candidates nominated in the manner herein prescribed and shall take office at the close of the annual meeting and shall hold office until their successors take office. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office of President in the year following his or her election.
Section 2. Board of Governors
The elected members of the Board of Governors shall be elected from a list of candidates nominated in the manner herein prescribed and shall take office at the close of the annual convention immediately following their elections. Three non-lawyers shall be elected by the Board as non-voting members of the Board. The Nominations Committee shall recommend to the Board names of individuals to serve as non-lawyer members of the Board. Preference should be given to non-lawyers who have served successfully on Bar committee and task forces. All members shall hold office until their successors take office.

Section 3. President and President-Elect as Delegates to House of Delegates of American Bar Association
The President and President-Elect of the Bar shall serve as Delegates to the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association. In the event that the President or President- Elect is unable to attend a meeting of the House of Delegates, or is serving as a Delegate by reason of another election, the Board shall elect another active member of the Bar to serve instead.