Election Process

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About Elections

Members of the Board of Governors are elected by Active voting members of the Bar. They serve staggered three-year terms from July 1 to June 30. The slate of candidates is approved by the Nominations Committee and elections are held in the spring. This page includes everything you need to know about the election process.

Voting in the 2025-2026 election runs from April 15 – June 4.

Nominations Committee Announces 2025 Candidates for Bar Office

The D.C. Bar election slate is determined by the D.C. Bar Nominations Committee, which is appointed by the D.C. Bar president and approved by the Board of Governors. The committee is comprised of a diverse set of D.C. Bar members from a wide variety of practice settings and experience, including lawyers from solo, small firm, large firm, in-house, government, and academic practice. 

To run for D.C. Bar office, eligible D.C. Bar members may self-nominate or are nominated by other D.C. Bar members. Only well-qualified candidates are accepted to the slate of candidates for election. (See duties and qualifications below.)

The D.C. Bar election is promoted by the Bar to all eligible member voters to encourage wide participation. The election campaign runs from mid-April through June across all digital and print media channels owned and managed by the Bar.

The D.C. Bar is a non-partisan, apolitical organization and takes no position on the candidates or their political views, does not endorse candidates, and does not engage in political lobbying.

Learn More About the D.C. Bar

Elected positions:

All officers and voting members of the Board of Governors also serve as the Board of Directors (BOD) of the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center.

President-Elect: 3-year commitment
Year 1: President-Elect and a member of most Board and Bar committees and performs the duties of the President during any absence or temporary disability of the President.
Year 2:  President presides over all meetings of the Bar and Board of Governors and as a member of most Board and Bar committees.
Year 3: Immediate-Past President

Treasurer-Elect: 3-year commitment
Year 1: Treasurer-Elect and responsible for the duties of Treasurer during any absence of the Treasurer.  The Treasurer-Elect is not an officer of either Board.
Year 2: Treasurer reports on the Bar’s and Pro Bono Center’s financial condition and prepares the Treasurer-Elect.
Year 3: Remain on the Board as an at-large member for one year following their year as Treasurer.

Elected members: 3-year commitment (up to 2 consecutive 3-year terms)

Duties, Responsibilities, and Board “Action Items”

  • Approve appointments to various committees and commissions
  • Receive reports and recommendations from committees and task forces, and decide what actions to pursue
  • Approve the 5-year strategic plans
  • Review and approve certain D.C. Bar policies
  • Receive the external auditor’s report
  • Approve the annual budgets for the Bar and Pro Bono Center
  • Set the annual license fee rate for active, inactive, and judicial members
  • Attend up to 8 regular meetings per year (typically 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of the month)

Qualifications of a Board candidate

Active D.C. Bar members in good standing are eligible to run for the Board. While not required, some experience in service to the legal community and a desire to contribute to the Bar’s future and provide strategic guidance is valuable among prospective Board members.

Process and Timeline

November – February
D.C. Bar Nominations Committee, appointed by the President, evaluates nominations for Board vacancies to build a slate of candidates for the annual elections. Active members are encouraged to nominate candidates or themselves to run for a seat on the Board.

Active class members as of February 28, 2025 are eligible to vote in the election.

February / Early March
Candidate slate is announced.

Mid-April – early June
Online voting is available, and candidates can promote their candidacy to their networks and at the D.C. Bar Member Reception in early May.

Election results are announced.

Late June
D.C. Bar President is sworn in and new/ re-elected Board members are recognized at the D.C. Bar Celebration of Leadership.
