Pro Bono
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Immigration Legal Advice Clinic

About the Clinic

The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center, along with a number of partners, provides free consultations to area residents with immigration legal issues through a quarterly Immigration Legal Advice & Referral Clinic.

The clinic provides legal information, brief advice, and referral services. Bilingual attorneys and interpreters are available for visitors in their preferred language. Visitors to the clinic receive assistance from volunteer attorneys with civil legal problems governed by federal U.S. immigration laws.

If brief service is not enough to resolve the problem or if visitors require a different type of service, attorney volunteers will refer individuals to or provide information about a legal or social service provider best suited to provide further assistance.

All clinic services are provided free of charge. To ensure that you receive the best possible service from your consultation, please bring all documents concerning your legal issue to the clinic.

If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with the Immigration Legal Advice & Referral Clinic, please contact Managing Attorney Jenadee Nanini. If you would like top learn more about the clinic, please email Kelly Hernandez Urquilla at [email protected] or Elmer Trejos-Chicas at [email protected].


Special thanks to the following firms and organizations that help make the clinic a reality:
