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Submit Feedback on Proposed Amendments to Rules of Professional Conduct

December 13, 2024

On December 10 the District of Columbia Court of Appeals announced that it is considering whether to adopt proposed amendments to D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct 1.6 (Confidentiality of Information), 1.7 (Conflict of Interest: General Rule), 1.8 (Conflict of Interest: Specific Rules), 1.16 (Declining or Terminating Representation), and 5.6 (Restrictions on Right to Practice).

The proposed amendments would limit certain practices that (1) restrict the ability of prospective clients to engage counsel of their choice; (2) impose restrictions on lawyers’ independence and right to practice; (3) render outside counsel liable for damages sustained by clients or others through no fault of such counsel; (4) restrict a lawyer’s right to retain a copy of a client’s file, including the lawyer’s work product; (5) restrict a lawyer’s right to make use of general, non-confidential information acquired in the course of a representation; and (6) compel outside counsel to accept clients’ unilateral changes to any terms of representation. The D.C. Bar Board of Governors voted unanimously to approve these revisions in March 2022.

Comments must be submitted by February 10, 2025. Submit comments electronically to [email protected] or by mail to Clerk, D.C. Court of Appeals, 430 E Street, N.W. All comments related to this notice will be available to the public.

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