2:15 – 3:45 p.m.
- Access to Justice in the District: Where We've Come and Where We're Going (No CLE)
- The Past, Present, and Future of D.C.'s Bifurcated Criminal Legal System (1.5 CLE Credits)
- Castañon v. U.S.: Examining Barriers to Justice for the Bar & Litigants in D.C. (1.5 CLE Credits)
- How the Advancement of Crime Victims' Rights Can Create a More Equitable District of Columbia (1.5 CLE Credits)
- Examining Elements of Statehood Through the Home Rule Act (1.5 CLE Credits)
- Code “Read”: A Comprehensive Review of D.C.'s New Criminal Code (1.5 CLE Credits)
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
- So You Want to Be a Judge on the District of Columbia Courts? (No CLE)
- How Did Home Rule Affect Our “Home” Courts (No CLE)
- Its a Win-Win: Avoid a Malpractice Countersuit and Resolve a Fee Dispute with the D.C Bar's ACAB (1.0 CLE Credit)
- Representing Vulnerable Immigrant Youth: Best Practices in Our Changing Political Climate (1.0 CLE Credit)
- Without the Consent of the Governed: Dobbs, Drugs Policies, and Other Hurdles in D.C.’s Pursuit of Local Autonomy (1.0 CLE Credit)
- The Future of Fraud Is Now (1.0 CLE Credit)
CLE Credit Instructions
If you are interested in obtaining CLE credit for participating in the CLE accredited sessions, please review these instructions.