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D.C. Courts Advisory Committee Addresses Judicial Participation in Fundraising Activities

April 05, 2022

On March 28 the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct of the District of Columbia Courts issued Advisory Opinion No. 15 on use of a judge’s name on the letterhead of organizations engaged in fundraising appeals or membership solicitation, as well as judicial involvement in applications for grants. The opinion superseded Advisory Opinion No. 8, issued in 2000, addressing the same issues.

Rule 3.7(A)(2) of the Code of Judicial Conduct restricts a judge’s solicitation of contributions to members of the judge’s family or judges over whom the judge does not exercise supervisory or appellate authority. Similarly, Rule 3.7(A)(3) permits a judge to solicit membership for an organization even though membership dues or fees may be used to support the group’s objectives, provided that it is concerned with the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice.

Read the opinion in full here.

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