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Bar Seeks Candidates for Committee and Board Vacancies

January 31, 2023

The D.C. Bar Board of Governors is seeking candidates for appointment this spring to the Attorney/Client Arbitration Board, Clients’ Security Fund, Legal Ethics Committee, Rules of Professional Conduct Review Committee, Board on Professional Responsibility (BPR) of the D.C. Court of Appeals, and board of directors of the DC Bar Foundation. The deadline to apply for these vacancies is March 17, 2023.

Applicants for attorney vacancies must be active members of the D.C. Bar. Nonlawyer candidates are encouraged to apply for appointment to the Attorney/Client Arbitration Board, BPR, Legal Ethics Committee, and DC Bar Foundation.

For openings on the BPR, the Board of Governors will recommend three individuals for each vacancy and forward them to the D.C. Court of Appeals for final appointment. Preference is given to individuals with experience on BPR hearing committees.

For the vacancy on the Clients’ Security Fund, the trustees of the fund and the Board of Governors will recommend and forward a candidate to the D.C. Court of Appeals for final appointment to a five-year term beginning in October 2023.

Preferred applicants to the DC Bar Foundation should demonstrate a commitment to racial equity and familiarity with the D.C. legal aid community, as well as experience in network development, fundraising, community organizing, or research and evaluation. D.C. Bar membership is not required. For more information about the foundation and its activities, visit www.dcbarfoundation.org.

To apply for a board or committee opening, please submit a résumé and cover letter stating the committee(s) or board(s) on which you would like to serve and a description of relevant work or volunteer experience. Leadership experience with D.C. Bar committees, voluntary bar associations, or the Bar’s Communities is highly desirable. Descriptions of the committees with additional qualifications can be found here.

Submit materials via email to Crystal White, board and committee liaison, at [email protected].

Board and committee appointments will be approved by the Board of Governors in May. Appointments to the DC Bar Foundation will be made in September. All applicants will be notified regarding the status of their applications shortly thereafter.

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