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George Teitelbaum
Docket No. 21-ND-002
DCCA Opinion (October 5, 2023)
Summary: In re George A. Teitelbaum. Bar No. 370926. October 5, 2023. The D.C. Court of Appeals approved a petition for negotiated discipline and suspended Teitelbaum for 30 days, stayed in favor of one year unsupervised probation with conditions. Teitelbaum admitted to violating D.C. Rule of Professional Conduct 1.15(a) by failing to keep complete records of account funds in a probate matter.
Board Report and Orders (April 7, 2023)
Summary: Not yet available.
Board Report and Orders (January 31, 2023)
Summary: In re George A. Teitelbaum. Bar No. 370926. January 31, 2023. The Board on Professional Responsibility recommended that the D.C. Court of Appeals reject Teitelbaum’s petition for negotiated discipline.
Hearing Committee Report (November 29, 2022)
Summary: In re George A. Teitelbaum. Bar No. 370926. November 29, 2022. The Board on Professional Responsibility’s Hearing Committee Number Ten recommended that the D.C. Court of Appeals accept Teitelbaum’s petition for negotiated discipline and suspend him for 30 days, stayed in favor of one year of unsupervised probation with conditions, for a violation of Rule 1.15(a).
Charging Documents
Petition for Negotiated Discipline (July 21, 2021)
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- Board on Professional Responsibility
- 430 E Street NW
- Suite 138
- Washington, DC 20001
- Phone: 202-638-4290
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- Office of Disciplinary Counsel
- District of Columbia Court of Appeals
- 515 5th Street, NW
- Building A, Suite 117, Washington, DC 20001
- Phone: 202-638-1501
- Fax: 202-638-0862