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NCBE Offers Paid Opportunity to Test NextGen Bar Exam

August 12, 2024

The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) is inviting July 2024 bar examinees to participate in a nationwide prototype testing for the NextGen Bar Exam. The Washington, D.C., prototype exam will be held October 18–19.

The NextGen Bar Exam, which will replace the Uniform Bar Examination, is currently under development and scheduled to debut in July 2026. If accepted to participate in the prototype testing, examinees will be paid $1,500 for taking the nine-hour test and are required to make a good-faith effort on this exam but are not expected to study for it.

The prototype exam will be held in 32 U.S. jurisdictions; participants are not required to sit for the prototype in the same jurisdiction where they sat for the July bar exam or in the jurisdiction where they attended law school.

The application period runs August 19–29. If interested in participating, potential applicants should keep a current email address in their NCBE account (https://accounts.ncbex.org/) and with their jurisdiction’s bar examiners. Details about the prototype exam and how to apply will be sent on August 19.

For more information on the prototype exam, including dates and locations, visit nextgenbarexam.ncbex.org/nextgen-prototype-exam-october-2024.

The D.C. Court of Appeals Committee on Admissions, which administers the D.C. bar exam, is not involved in the NextGen Bar prototype testing. All questions about the prototype exam should be addressed to the NCBE.

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